Volunteer at the Library
The Altadena Library District welcomes and relies on the support of dedicated volunteers! There are many ways to volunteer at both the Main Library and Bob Lucas Branch. Here are the in-person volunteer roles that are available.
Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Email volunteers@altadenalibrary.org for more information! Review the Volunteer Policy (Approved August 2022).
Apply to Volunteer at the Libraries
To apply to be an Adult Volunteer (General, Foundation, Friends, or Tech Whisperer):
Please complete the Adult Volunteer application by clicking here
For questions or comments:
email: volunteers@altadenalibrary.org
or call: (626) 798-0833 extension 118
To apply to be a Literacy Tutor:
Please email: literacy@altadenalibrary.org
or call: (626) 798-0833 extension 102
To apply to be a Teen Volunteer (teens ages 13 – 18)
Please email: teens@altadenalibrary.org
Fill out the application on this page: https://www.altadenalibrary.org/teens/#teenvolunteers